A | Autograph (handwritten) |
AD | Autograph Document |
ADS | Autograph Document Signed (when the author = signer) |
Adf | Autograph Draft |
DX | Document Signed for person who made his/her mark |
L | Letter (Used alone it indicates the author signed someone’s name. Although the author and signer are the same, the signature is not valid.) |
AL | Autograph Letter |
ALS | Autograph Letter Signed (when the author = signer) |
APPD | Autograph Partially Printed Document |
APPDS | Autograph Partially Printed Document Signed (when the author = signer) |
Copy | Manuscript Copy of a document not in the hand of its creator. Usually marked as copy. |
D | A manuscript document used for the transaction of business or the conveyance of information in its original form. (Used alone, it indicates that the author signed someone’s name. Although the author and signer are the same, the signature is not valid.) |
DS | Document Signed |
DPtd | Printed Document |
LPtd | Printed Letter |
LS | Letter Signed |
PPD | Partially Printed Document |
PPDS | Partially Printed Document Signed |
PPDX | Partially Printed Document Signed for person who made his/her mark |
Tel | Telegram |
Tr | Transcript |
TrPtd | Transcript Printed |
-P | Appended to any document description indicates a facsimile of the original was the source document |
See Document Description Symbols for more information.